Tuesday, April 24, 2018

The Eleca? Three Wheel Electric Vehicle? A Modern Micro Car Or Modern Electric Trike?

I came across a three wheel electric vehicle that looks really cool and futuristic. It is called the Eleca. The site is MyEleca. It has some unusual styling. If one wanted a vehicle that won't get noticed, this isn't for you. If you don't mind standing out from the crowd (unless it is a crowd of Eleca's), this is the vehicle for you.
Here is the Eleca. It is very aerodynamic and futuristic looking. It doesn't look it but it seems to be a two seat vehicle; one next to the other. 

They seemed to have reduced the price from $9500 to $8000. Even at the non-discounted price, it seems rather reasonable. It is more so at the lower price. I hope they are able to sell it at a reasonable price. I think it would make it even more appealing. 

It looks great being all black with red trim. The look is very futuristic; which is one of the reason I think it is cool. The other is that it is electric. Electric cars seem to be a future trend; repeating the past where electric vehicles outnumbered gas powered ones (until the electric starter came about). 
I think this is cool. I think it is called a 'clam shell' door. I can see where there might be a problem; where the people would be trapped inside if it ever flipped over. Perhaps with a curved roof, it might just roll back upright; which would allow those inside to get out? It is not easy to tell since - so far - it is just computer images and one - it seems - has not been made (yet?).

It does not seem to be produced or even an actual mock up of it. When it is manufactured (I am saying when and not if since I am hoping it will be), I wonder how different it will be from the concept. It seems concept look really cool but not always practical when being mass produced. I hope the design does not change too much when put into production (hoping it does). 

I think it could be even smaller than a Smart Fortwo. It is difficult to realize size when all one has is models and computer generated images. It would be interesting to see size in relation to those nearby or those who are inside. 

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