Monday, March 4, 2024

California Commuter? a Micro Car That Is No More?

 In the past, I came across vehicle called the California Commuter. It was designed and made to have an incredible amount / high MPG. It seems their site - that sold plans for it and other things - is no longer there (at least I have not found it, yet?).

As the photo shows, it was a single person vehicle that was extremely small. What it didn't show was the single cylinder engine that powered it or how it was steered.
Here is the top and side views of the CC.
Here is the inside view; top and side.
This shows how it was steered. It is unique in that there isn't a steering wheel but two levers. 
Here is the electrical system of the CC. I always wondered if this could be used in other peoples homebuilt vehicles? 
Here is what could have been but never was. The CC2. It seems they had designs for a two seater that never seem to have come to fruition. It is a shame since it looked really nice. 

It was true and funny back when this was put out. I think this would probably be more appreciated now. I wonder how many would drive such a small vehicle on todays roads with all those huge SUV's and PU's. 


2024 / 03 / 04

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