Friday, May 24, 2019

A New Corbin Merlin Roadster Using The Can Am Spyder As The Donor Vehicle?

While this isn't a true micro car (unless one thinks a car can have three wheels and some micro cars have just three wheels so perhaps it is?) - modern or older, it is interesting. It is a shame that Corbin (they still make seats) did not put the Merlin Roadster - or even the coupe version - into production.
Here is the roadster. There seem to be only a few examples for the roadster that was made.
Here is the coupe. I don't know if this went any further than a prototype. They show one but t might have just been a prototype / mock up that didn't run. 

There are some neat concepts at this site (sometimes it loads and sometimes it doesn't). 

Perhaps one could build a new one using the Can Am Spyder as a donor vehicle. It seems the layout is very similar; with two wheels in front, one in back and the engine in front (I believe) powering the back wheel. 
one can barely see it but it is a line drawing of the Can Am Spyder.

Perhaps a company could create something like the Merlin using the parts - transmission and engine and other parts - from the Can Am Spyder? Perhaps one could stretch it to fit where one can sit down or have more than one person sitting next to each other? 

It is a short post but with hopes of actually overlaying the Merlin roadster over the the line drawing of the Can Am Spider. 

This blog is just me thinking of a 'what if' scenario. It is something I like to do as 'mental exercise'. It gives one a chance to keep ones mind active and do some creative thinking / creativity. If one does not have to worry about actually creating something, one can be quite creative. It is a lot of fun. It is like being an ideas person. 

Corbin has other designs they had designed at this site

updated on 02/06/2020.

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